- yemen
- ayakkabı
Beypazari ağzindan sözcükler. 2010.
Beypazari ağzindan sözcükler. 2010.
YEMEN — YEMEN, country in S.W. corner of the Arabian Peninsula; capital, Sanʿa. The Land and the People The southern part of the Arabian Peninsula is called al Yaman (the south), after which the country is named in the West. In pre Islamic times there… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Yemen — Yémen ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻬﻮﺭﯾّﺔ اليمنية Al Jumhuriyah al Yamaniyah (ar) République du Yémen (fr) … Wikipédia en Français
yémen — ● yémen nom masculin (de Yémen, nom propre) Fourrure plate, moirée, du chevreau d Arabie. Yémen (république du) état du S. O. de la péninsule Arabique (créé en 1990 et réunissant la rép. arabe du Yémen, au N., et la rép. dém. et pop. du Yémen, au … Encyclopédie Universelle
Yemen TV — Création 1996 Langue Arabe Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Yemen — [yem′ən] country on the S tip of the Arabian Peninsula: formed (1990) by the merger of the Yemen Arab Republic, or North Yemen, and a country directly east of it, the People s Democratic Republic of Yemen, or South Yemen: 214,287 sq mi (555,001… … English World dictionary
Yemen — Yemen, land i Arabien. Se artiklen: Yemen … Danske encyklopædi
Yemen — southwestern region of Arabia, from Arabic Yemen, lit. the country of the south, from yaman right side (i.e., south side, if one is facing east). The right side regarded as auspicious, hence Arabic yamana he was happy, lit. he went to the right,… … Etymology dictionary
Yemen — Yemen, s. Jemen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Yemen — Yemen, Teil der Arab. Halbinsel, s. Jemen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Yemen — Republic of Yemen الجمهورية اليمنية al Jumhūrīyah al Yamanīyah … Wikipedia
Yemen — /yem euhn, yay meuhn/, n. 1. Republic of, a country in S Arabia, formed in 1990 by the merger of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People s Democratic Republic of Yemen. 13,972,477; 207,000 sq. mi. (536,130 sq. km). Cap.: (political) San a. Cap.:… … Universalium